Thursday, September 30, 2010

Star Fleet Battles Game

This week's featured item is a Star Trek game:

 This game, copyrighted 1990, comes with two cardboard gameboards measuring 23 1/4" by 19 1/4" each, a scenario book, and a multitude of small pieces. In addition, whoever once owned this game assembled a respectable three-ring-binder-full of expansion material.

There were several editions of Star Fleet Battles produced, beginning in 1979. This is the Captain's Edition Basic Set. It appears that this edition was re-issued, with different artwork on the box, in 1999.

Task Force Games, which made this game, was started in 1979, sold to New World Computing in 1988, and is now out of business. Star Fleet Battles was apparently their best selling line, and received glowing reviews. The series is now produced by Amarillo Design Bureau, Inc., the company that originally designed the game.


Next Tuesday, look for a magazine with breaking news about the new Star Trek movie. . .30 years ago, that is.

Next Thursday, look for a new character in the form of a non-Mego action figure.

In the mean time, look for new categories to hold a couple of recently posted items, including this one.

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